CPD Maps
Select a Basemap

Map Layers
Map Legend
Reports - Create Target Area
 Geographic level:
Drawing tool:
 Number of geographies selected:
 Target area name:
Export to IDIS
 Geographic level:
Drawing tool:
 Number of geographies selected:
 Reference area name:

    Note: the report will be opened in new browser window, so please make sure you have your pop-up blocker turned off.

    Additionally, the report will require Microsoft Excel Viewer if you don't have Microsoft Office installed. If needed, you can download the Microsoft Excel Viewer from: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=10
    Reports will be generated for the target area you select on the map, and can include a set of data for a comparison area.

    To create a Target Area:
    1. Pan/zoom the map as needed.
    2. Choose an Action (default is "New Area").
    3. Choose the geographic level (e.g. "Tract") that you want to use to make up your Target Area from the drop-down menu.
    4. Select a drawing tool (e.g. "Point").
    5. Click (or draw) on the map to add/remove geographies to your Target Area.
    6. Enter a Target Area Name.
    7. Click "Next" and repeat to create a reference area if needed.
    8. Click "Next" to select data tables to include in report, if needed (Note: all tables will be included by default).
    9. Click "Next" to create a custom title for the report and download Excel reader if needed.
    10. On any screen click "Finish" to generate the report.
    Data Toolkit - Generate Toolkit
    Target areas:
    Select toolkit type:
    Data Toolkit - Choose Target Area on the Map
     Geographic level:
    Drawing tool:
     Number of geographies selected:
     Target area name:
    The Data Toolkit compares Economic Development or Housing data for one or more target areas that you select on the map.

    To select target areas to include:
    1. Pan/zoom the map as needed.
    2. Choose an Action (default is "New Area").
    3. Choose the geographic level (e.g. "Tract") that you want to use to make up your Target Area from the drop-down menu.
    4. Select a drawing tool (e.g. "Point").
    5. Click (or draw) on the map to add/remove geographies to your Target Area.
    6. Enter a name for the target area.
    7. Click "Add".
    8. On the next screen, the name of the new Target Area will appear on the Target Areas list. (NOTE: Hover your mouse over any Target Area name to see the list of geographies that make up any area on the list).
    9. Select a Data Toolkit to download from the dropdown menu.
    10. Click "Finish" to download the Toolkit.
    Map Query - Choose Level and Geography Type
    Current grantee: (not set)

    Area to query:

    Geography type:

    *only available if grantee selected using search tool
    Current grantee: (not set)

      Current grantee: (not set)




      Result count: out of
      Hide Search Criteria
      The Map Query tool allows the user to search for geographies (census tracts, counties, etc.) that meet user-selected criteria.
      1. Select the Area to Query: This is the area the system will search based on the criteria you set in a later step. NOTE: “Grantee Jurisdiction” can only be selected if a grantee has been chosen using the Search tool.
      2. Select a Geography Type: This is the type of geographic shape the tool will search for within the area selected in Step 1. For example, “Nation” is selected in Step 1, and “Counties” is selected in Step 2, the tool will search for Counties in the Nation that meet the user-selected criteria. After selecting a geography type click “Next”.
      3. On the next window, select variables for the search by clicking up to three check-boxes, then click “Next”.
      4. Drag the arrows on the slider bars for each variable to set the minimum and maximum values for the search. Note that the result count at the bottom of the window will update as these criteria are changed.
      5. When the result count is a manageable number, click “Finish”. The results will be displayed in a table in the widget and the geographies that meet the search criteria will be outlined on the map. Clicking on one of the result geographies will highlight the corresponding result in the table. Likewise, clicking a result in the table will cause the corresponding geography to be highlighted and centered on the map.
      More Information
      Please select the type of analytics you wish to run.
      View the HMI Handbook

      Analytics Descriptions:

      1. Large Scale Development Opportunities
        1. HMI category is 6 or 7
        2. Adjacent to strongest markets where HMI category is 1, 2, or 3
        3. Vacancy Rate is greater than 15%
      2. Infill Markets
        1. HMI category is 5,6, or 7
        2. Vacancy Rate is less than 10%
      3. Challenging Areas for Modest-Income Home Owner Affordability
        1. HMI category is 3,4, or 5
        2. Difference between % Change in Median Home Value (2000-2010) and % Change in Median Household Income (2000-2010) is greater than 50%
      4. Challenging Areas for Modest-Income Renter Affordability
        1. HMI category is 3,4, 5 or 6
        2. Difference between % Change in Rent Value (2000-2010) and % Change in Median Household Income (2000-2010) is greater than 30%
      5. Appreciating Middle Markets
        1. HMI category is 4, 5, or 6
        2. % Change in Median Home Value is greater than 75%
      6. Depreciating Middle Markets
        1. HMI category is 4, 5, or 6
        2. % Change in Median Home Value is less than 35%
      7. Areas of Concentrated Subsidized Housing
        1. HMI category is 5, 6 or 7
        2. % of Subsidized Rental Housing Units is greater than 35%
      Select a Grantee then click Finish
      Grantee Summary
      Please use the search tools to find and select a Grantee...
      Program Year:
      CDBG Amount:
      HOME Amount:
      ESG Amount:
      HOPWA Amount:
      Program Year:
      Pro Rata Need:
      UGLG Name:
      Grantee Name:
      Low-mod population:
      Total of CDBG-DR Awards:
      Total CDBG-DR Draws Across Awards:
      Total CDBG-DR Funds Available Across Awards:
      CDBG-DR Awards:
      Layer Configuration

      Show thematic data by:
      Base map symbology/legend on characteristics of:
      Show data from:
      Select year range: -
      Classification type:
      Class break 1: less than or equal to
      Class break 2: from to
      Class break 3: from to
      Class break 4: from to
      Class break : greater than  
      Class break 5:

      Required File Formats

      For Address Data (no Latitude/Longitude):
        XLSX Files Only:

      Data must be in the first sheet of the workbook in an Excel XLSX file.

      First Row, First four fields must be:
      Cell A1: "Address", Cell B1: "City", Cell C1: "State" Cell D1: "Zip"
      Enter data beginning on second row

      For Geocoded Data with Latitude/Longitude:
        CSV Files Only:

      First element of first row: "Latitude"
      Second element of first row: "Longitude"
      Enter data beginning on second row

      Some icons courtesy of Icons-Land (www.icons-land.com)

      Upload Excel XLSX Info

      Uploading and processing

      Total upload records:
      Mapped records:
      Missing records: